How Blockchain will revolutionize software-writing

Software writing is slowly moving from human-written to computer generated using large amounts of data. Blockchain allows for crowdsourcing of cheap and diverse high quality data which wasn’t possible before.

The “IF” “THEN” approach

The Von Neuman computer model I used in all the computer we are familiar with from Desktop to Laptops via Smartphones and Tablets. To make the computer do what we want the typical computer programmer will, elegantly and through more advanced rules, basically write a list of “if” “then” conditions where all possible cases will hopefully be covered. For example: if you type W, move the character up. If you type S, move it down. If there is a wall in the direction of movement stop. And so on. The results are the computers we are familiar with today who use keyboards, mice, and in general digital inputs that are 0s or 1s and very clear. This also includes capacity sensing on smartphones which are “is the finger here or not”.

However, as seen in self-driving cars, recent advances in computer science are opening the door to computers using other inputs like “what they see”.

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Image mining on the blockchain, a new horizon

Blockchain is great at decentralizing control and data. It creates communities, as people must contribute to the ecosystem in some form to give the data value. This value can derive from maintaining the ledger, providing a resource, or contributing data. New industries are being tested with this technology, but it is the computer vision and machine learning industry that needs to embrace blockchain.

For instance, when creating augmented reality applications, a massive amount of data is needed to make it accurate and efficient. However, this takes a lot of time and can slow the project down.

Lampix augmenting a paper drawing and sharing it for collaboration

Lampix is Introducing Blockchain Image Mining to the Computer Vision and Machine Learning World

Lampix plans on using the power of blockchain to create one of the largest image database with the help of machine learning. Developers will be able to tap into this database for their own product, such as Google Glass, Holo Lens, or our Lampix product, and create applications. This is exciting, as for any application, a lot of data is necessary to make it accurate and work properly. The database will consist of over a billion datasets contributed by image miners, who are compensated with PIX tokens for submitting datasets.

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